Now's the time to get ready for Assembly Kids Summer Adventure!
Sunday the 23rd
Our call time is at 3:45 pm. We will be doing prayer and team huddles to get you ready for Summer Adventure. If you are available on Sunday to prep at 2:00 pm, we will need help with decorations and setting up items we can't get prepared on Sunday morning. Please use the sign-up to let us know if you can help. Dinner will be provided for you ONLY on Sunday night.
Monday and Tuesday
You'll need to arrive by 5:15 pm at the latest. We will have a short meeting each night in the worship center to get you updated.
Please park each evening in the west parking lot further out. We want to make room for guests coming in and families making their way in and out. Doors will be open on Sunday at 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm and 5:30 - 6:20 pm.
Background Checks
If you received an email about Background checks and have not email your completed form to Wendy. Please do so ASAP. The process is very simple, if you need assistance we can help you.