Our Mission
Make Christ Followers who make Christ Followers locally and abroad.
Our Vision
Honor God. Love People. Share Hope.
Core Values
Passionate & Persistent Prayer
Prayer shows we are dependent upon God's power, wisdom, and strength. Prayer is vital to the individual believer and to the corporate church body.

Biblical Teaching, Preaching, & Worship
All ministries must be biblically based. Jesus said "Go make disciples teaching them everything I have commanded you." The Bible is our one true guide for ministry and living life.
Obedient Giving
Stewardship goes beyond money; if we are not willing to obey God in our finances, then we won't be obedient in other areas of our lives. The Bible teaches when we are generous with our finances, God will pour out His blessings upon us as individuals and as a church.

Missions Hearted
Across the sea and across the street – Missions hearted is how we evangelize the world through missions giving, missions trips and missions focused living.
Value All People
People matter to God! No matter the age, color, financial status; God wants us to love people and show value to them. We are more like Christ when we love and show value to all people.